Pie panels
Not sure if I mentioned, the ABS filament I got with my Prusa printer doesn’t handle printing bridges very well. I’m out of the Hobbyking stuff and I want to use this up. I’ve been printing the pie panels for the top of Artoo’s dome. It was going well until I got to #4, which is the panel with a hole in it for the holoprojector. I’ve printed the panels so far standing on edge and using a brim. Below on the left was the first failure. I tried with supports, but that turned out worse.
I decided to just let it lay down and try it with supports underneath. It was probably a waste of plastic, I don’t really like this stuff anyway.
So the part fits and will work, but it ended up with these circular swirls because of the curved surface relative to the orientation. I’m gonna be sanding quite a bit on this one when I get to that stage…