Painting panels

I spent a significant amount of time sanding the panels, radar eye, and logic display inserts.  When your trying to finish 3D printed parts, the layer lines really show with a few coats of paint.  The filler primer combined with a bunch of sanding was the method that I’ve been using.  I can’t say I am very happy with the results.  I found a tip in which someone slathered a thin coat of Bondo on the part and then sanded/primed.  He seemed to have good results so I went in that direction.

The panels themselves looked pretty good with all the sanding I did, so I went straight to the filler primer.

I sanded and got ready for my first coat of paint.  Like many other builders, I got Duplicolor Sonic Blue Pearl for my blue parts.  I taped off the logic display parts so I would be able to acetone weld them in place later.  Next up is to make them blue…